Tourbillion Tales
The Tourbillion can either be a whirlwind or the intricate component of a mechanized watch. One destructive by nature. The other perfectly balanced under the control of a skilled craftsman.
In the spirit of "The Twilight Zone" and "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", Tourbillion Tales is a 6-part fiction anthology series of original short stories specially crafted for the mind's eye. Follow or subscribe now to join the adventure.
Dark Colony
Discovering alien life mustn’t be a bad thing. It’s all about your perspective.
Alternate reality can be a pesky thing.
Deep Six
In early 1900’s nautical terminology, six fathoms was the rule of thumb depth for a proper sea burial. A fitting depth for a modern day science experiment? Maybe. Maybe not.
A Job to Die For
Pushing the role of artificial intelligence in the workplace, an enthusiastic technology professional builds a better way to increase the readership of a local newspaper.
Attack of the Bowman
A young store clerk discovers a forgotten relic of the cold war hidden deep beneath the produce aisle of the Bowman’s grocery store.
Dead in the Air
Murder! Take to the skies with the passengers and crew of a business deal gone wrong.
An introduction to Tourbillion Tales