Religion Today
Issues of faith and spirituality that matter to LDS, Mormons, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Responding to an Evangelical Critic of the LDS Church
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner laments that Evangelical and Latter-day Saint Christians do not get along better. He then responds, point by point to an Evangelical Critic who has come up with 50 flawed reasons why the LDS Faith is not true. Martin's Response points out the flaws in the Evangelical pastor's points, and presents facts which prove them to be wrong.
The Best Evidence for the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon
Requests from a few listeners led host Martin Tanner to present in this episode of Religion Today, a few of the very best evidences of the Book of Mormon, including, (1) although writing on metal plates was unknown in Joseph Smith's day, examples of writing on metal plates during Book of Mormon times have been found in the Middle East and Central America; (2) During Joseph Smith's lifetime, horses were thought to have been unknown to Native Americans until the arival of Columbus, but the Book of Mormon mentions horses, and now examples of horses prior to Columbus have been found by archaeologists; (3) During Joseph Smith's lifetime, Native Americans were thought to use bows and arrows, and spears as weapons, but examples of Head-shields, Head-plates, scimitars, and other items of warfare have been found which verify statement in the Book of Mormon. Martin gives many other examples of evidence Joseph Smith could not have known, which are found in the Book of Mormon, that are now supported by archeology, linguistics and other scientific evidence.
The Best Evidence for the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon
Requests from a few listeners led host Martin Tanner to present in this episode of Religion Today, a few of the very best evidences of the Book of Mormon, including, (1) although writing on metal plates was unknown in Joseph Smith's day, examples of writing on metal plates during Book of Mormon times have been found in the Middle East and Central America; (2) During Joseph Smith's lifetime, horses were thought to have been unknown to Native Americans until the arival of Columbus, but the Book of Mormon mentions horses, and now examples of horses prior to Columbus have been found by archaeologists; (3) During Joseph Smith's lifetime, Native Americans were thought to use bows and arrows, and spears as weapons, but examples of Head-shields, Head-plates, scimitars, and other items of warfare have been found which verify statement in the Book of Mormon. Martin gives many other examples of evidence Joseph Smith could not have known, which are found in the Book of Mormon, that are now supported by archeology, linguistics and other scientific evidence.
The Lost 10 Tribes
Host Martin Tanner explains Jewish, Christian and Latter-day Saint ideas about what happened to the Lost 10 Tribes. He explains various explanation about where they are now, and when and under what circumstances they will return
The Best Translations of the Bible
Martin Tanner points out the pros and cons of some of the most popular, most popular and widely read English Bible translations, including the King James Version, the Good News Bible, the New Revised Standard Version updated edition, New English Translation with over 60,000 scholarly footnotes, and Martin's personal favorite, the Contemporary English Version.
Jewish Sects Before, During and After the Time of Christ
Martin Tanner describes the Jewish sects that existed about a century before the time of Christ, during the lifetime of Christ, and about a century after, including the Maccabees, Sadducees, Phrisees, Zealots, Essenes, Gelileans, and several Baptist groups. The Maccabees were the first sect within Judaism. The Sadducees denied the resurrection. The Pharisees were the "lawyers" of the New Testament era. They knew the laws of Judaism.. The Zealots did not separate religion and politics, and were the terrorists of their day, killing with knives those who they thought were thwarting the truth. The Essenes were the Dead Sea Scrolls community. They though themselves to be the livers of the higher law.
Joseph Smith's Inspired Revision of the Bible
In this episode of Religion Today, Martin Tanner describes what the Joseph Smith's "Inspired Version" or "Inspired Revision" of the Bible is. It is not an inspired revision to bring the text back to the original wording. It is more of an inspired expansion and revision of important passages. Martin provides insights into how to better understand the "Inspired Version."
The Book of Abraham, and the Book of Moses
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner gives a brief overview of the Book of Abraham and the Book of Moses, the least read and least understood scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Book of Moses is part of the "Inspired Translation" of the Bible sometimes called the "Inspired Version." The Book of Abraham is a translation of a scroll of Egyptian Papyri, about 60 or so feet long, one of fact scrolls, acquired by the Church in 1835. Martin Tanner describes both books, briefly describes their contents, and responds to critics who falsely claim they are not genuine translations of ancient documents
The Origin of The Book of Mormon
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner examines the plausibility of the claims made by Joseph Smith about the origin of The Book of Mormon, translated by the gift and power of God. He also examines the plausibility of the claims of critics who say Sidney Rigdon or Oliver Cowdery were authors. Martin also examines the plausibility of the claims that Ethan Smith's book View of the Hebrews or Solomon Spanding's manuscript were the source for The Book of Mormon. Martin concludes it would be impossible for Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery or View of the Hebrews, or the Spalding manuscript to be the source for the Book of Mormon. Martin also examines the Ex-Mormons claims that similar wording in the King James Bible and the Book of Mormon means The Book of Mormon is not an ancient document, and finds this theory logically flawed.
Evolution and Religion
In this episode of Religion Today host Martin Tanner explores whether there is a real, or only apparent, conflict between religion and the theory of evolution. Scientists claim evolution isn't a theory, but a fact. But science does not support that claim. When the fossil record is examined closely, it is obvious it does not support the theory of evolution, because over 95% of all life forms in existence today, appeared in less than one-tenth of one-percent of the time life has existed on earth, in an explosion of new life forms, not slowly and incrementally, as Charles Darwin and his the theory of evolution predicted. In addition, the fossil record does not have the transitional forms that would be needed to provide evidence for the theory of evolution.
Joseph Smith's Uncanonized Revelations
Martin Tanner, host of Religion Today, interviews Stephen Smoot and Brian Passantino, editors of their new book, available at Deseret Book, Benchmark Book and on Amazon, Joseph Smith's Uncanonized Revelations. This book of just under 200 pages gives easy access to Joseph Smith's uncanonized revelations, with excellent, succinct descriptions of the setting and context of each, along with an explanation of the significance of the revelation. This book is a must-have supplement to the Doctrine and Covenants.
Interview With James Dalrymple and Jonathan Farrell from Scripture Central
In this episide of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner interviews James Dalrymple and Jonathan Farrell About Scripture Central's new ultra high quality video series on Book of Mormon evidences, available free to anyone, at YouTube. Highly recommended by Martin Tanner.
Do Pets and Other Animals Have Souls?
For many people, especially those who feel lonely due to loss of a spouse, child or friend, a pet is very important to them. Many people love their pets very much like a family member. In this episode of Religion Today, the host, Martin Tanner, gives many reasons for believing that pets and other animals have souls and will be seen in the after-life. Martin shares Joseph Smith's comments showing animals have sould. He also shares near-death experiences in which the person saw their deceased pet during their experience.
Fathers' Day Message
"Toxic Masculinity" and "Not needed" are two of the phrases often heard in society today about men and fathers. The assumption is the men and fathers, especially white men, are privileged, while women and minorities are discriminated against. In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner provides statistics and studies to show how men are viewed in society and how men view themselves. Statistics show men overwhelmingly see their most important role as husband and father. Men would far rather have their children become honest, kind, hard-working, and caring, then rich. These are all good signs for a resurgence in the idea that men and fathers are important.
Where Did the Events in the Book of Mormon Likely Take Place?
Where did the events in the Book of Mormon likely take place? In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner presents some of the latest evidence from geography, archaeology, LiDar scans, population studies, geology, volcanoloy, and linguistics, which points to Central America, from southern Mexico to Guatemala on the Yucatan Peninsula, as the likely location for the Jaradite civilation, and the Nephite civilation.
What Was the Apostle Paul's "thorn in the flesh"?
Many theories have been advanced by New Testament scholars about the nature of Paul's "thorn in the flesh" he speaks of in 2 Corinthians 12:7. The theories include: temptation, a chronic eye problem, malaria, migraines, epilepsy, a speech impediment, or even a person, perhaps "Alexander the coppersmith" who paul says did Paul "a great deal of Harm" (2 Timothy 4:14). In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner follows the clues and concludes Paul probably had a severe eye problem, which greatly hampered his vision, and which was visible to anyone who looked at Paul's face. Perhaps Paul had such severe cataracts that he could not see well, and his eyes were visibly cloudy, and obviously diseased. Paul's physical problem was so severe that he had a permanent physician, Luke, the man who wrote the Gospel of Luke.
Words and Phrases in The Book of Mormon
Host Martin Tanner describes the implications of ancient words and phrases in The Book of Mormon. He describes how certain words and phrases show Joseph Smith's influence, while others show God's had tight control over the translation process. No one has devised an explanation for the Book of Mormon translation process, which explains all of the evidence. We know little more than that Joseph Smith could not have produced it, and, it was translated by the "gift and power of God."
The Lost 116 Pages of The Book of Mormon
In this Religion Today episode, host Martin Tanner explains that we know about the contents of the Lost 116 Pages of the Book of Mormon, which is a surprisingly large amount. Martin explains why it is unlikely that Lucy Harris took or destroyed the lost 116 pages. He also explain the sources for what we know about the contents of the lost Book of Lehi and other details about the 116 Page.
In Honor of Mothers, on Mothers' Day
In honor of Mothers' Day, host Martin Tanner, describes the origin of the LDS doctrine of a Heavenly Mother, from Joseph Smith, as described by Eliza R. Snow, Zina Huntington, Parly P. Pratt, Brigham Young, and others. And, its confirmation by Gordon B. Hinckley, James E. Faust, Bruce R. McConkie, Spencer W. Kimball, James H. Talmage, B.H. Roberts and many others. The idea of a Heavenly Mother is found in three LDS hymns, in several official Church manuals, in the Joseph Smith History of the Church, the Ensign, Times and Seasons, and many other sources. Martin Tanner also describes the Biblical sources for a Mother in Heaven, the Early Christian scriptures refering to a Mother in Heaven, and ancient Jewish sources for the belief in a female deity in Jewish thought and doctrine.
Red Heifer, Rebuilding the Jewish Temple, Hebrew Language Restored, the State of Israel
Although similar to the Christian "Signs of the Times" before the Second Coming of Jesus, Orthodox Jews believe in their own Jewish "Signs of the Times" before their Messiah comes. In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner describes the Jewish "Signs of the Times" including the Red Heifer, an unblemished, perfect red Angus cow, originally imported from the United States, but improved in Israel through breeding. According to Jewish tradition, the next Red Heifer sacrificed will signal the coming of the Messiah. Other signs of the Messiah that have already taken place include the restoration of the restoration of the Hebrew language as a primary language in Israel, the establishment of the modern State of Israel, planned, intense Jewish preparation for rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem, and anti-Semitism on university campuses and elsewhere.
Where Did the Nephites Get their Priesthood Authority?
Host Martin Tanner explains by what Priesthood authority Lehi and his family went to the New World, and there, organized new Churches and Synagogues, and performed Ordinances, including baptism. If no family of Latter-day Saints can simply decide to move to a new country, and start a new branch or stake, by what authority did Lehi, Nephi and their extensed families form new churches and synagogues in the New World, and perform ordinances there? In this episode of Religion Today, Martin Tanner answers these questions, and many related ones.
The Visions of Joseph Smith - Part 2
In Part 2 of the Visions of Joseph Smith, Religion Today host Martin Tanner describes about fifteen more of the 70 known visions of Joseph Smith, including four visions of the Father and the Son, and five additional visions of Jesus. Although some of these accounts are in scripture, most are found in diary entries of Joseph Smith, and his close associates and friends. Martin Tanner describes visions of the appearance of Adam and Eve, Moses, the Apostle Peter, Elias (Noah), Elijah, the future growth of the Church, future calamaties prior to the Second Coming of Jesus, a spiritual battle with Satan, and many others, especially in connection with the completion and dedication of the Kirtland Temple.
Filmmaker T.C. Christensen's New Film: Escape from Germany
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner interviews T.C. Christensen, Latter-day Saint filmmaker extrordinaire (filmography: 17 Miracles; Ephraim's Resccue; The Cokeville Miracle; Love Kennedy, The Fighting Preacher, and many more), who has a new film in theaters now, Escape From Germany (PG). This historically accurate film, the story-line of which is derived from the personal diaries of the missionaries and others who experienced it, describes the miracles, and inspired decisions made by the President Heber J. Grant, the President of the LDS Germany Mission when World War II started, and many others, which enabled Mormon missionaries to escape from Nazi Germany during the final days before Hitler closed the boarders of Germany, invaded neighboring countries, and started World WW2. This extraordinary film is a must see, accurate historical drama, from a new perspective, and is appropriate for the entire family. Host Martin Tanner highly recommends this movie from one of the very best LDS filmmakers, T.C. Christensen
The Visions of Joseph Smith - Part 1
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner describes most of the early, significant visions of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith had 70 known visions, and it is likely that more were unrecorded. There are four accounts of visions of Father and Son together. In several of these, others saw the vision along with Joseph Smith. In four other visions, Joseph Smith and others with him, saw Jesus. Joseph Smith also saw many Old Testament prophets, including Adam, Moses, Enoch, Elias and Elijah. Joseph Smith saw New Testament Apostles Peter, James, John and Paul. He also saw Nephite Apostles. In part 2 of the Visions of Joseph Smith, learn about Joseph Smith's visions of the future, growth of the Church, future calamities, temple designs and locations, the Second Coming, and other subjects.
Easter and The Resurrection of Jesus
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner defines "resurrection," explains what happens when a person is resurrected, based on science and religion, and quotes latter-day prophets promises that parents who have lost a child to death, will be able to raise them durring the Millennium.
The Bible is Inconsistent With Core Protestant Tenants of Faith
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner explains why the core Protestant tenants of Sola Scriptura, a Closed Canon of scripture, and no Revelation after Jesus and the Apostles contracts the Bible. First, Sola Scriptura, which means doctrine only from the scriptures is not Biblical. The Bible does not say which writings are scripture and which are not, people, not the Bible have always made that decision. Second, a closed canon is not Biblical. The Bible does not say it is closed to new writings, people make that decision. Third, the Bible does not say there will be no more revelation after Jesus and the Apostles. On the contrary, the Book of Revelation specifically mentions two latter-day prophets, telling us there will be revelation in the future.
Priesthood, the Nature of God and Salvation
Although Protestant faiths such at Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists and others, are in many ways similar to those of Latter-day Saints, there are some significant differences. The most significant are the Trinitarian concept of God, the Priesthood of All Believers, and Salvation by Grace, solely based on belief Jesus is your Lord and Savior. In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner compares and contrasts LDS understanding of God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost as three seperate person, an ordained priesthood, and Salvation by God's Grace, based on obedience to God's laws, with Protestand beliefs.
The Purpose, Description and Fate of the Ark of the Covenant
Scholars date Moses life, his receipt of the Ten Commandments and construction of the Ark of the Covenant, to between 1,500 BCE and 750 BCE. The Ark was about 4 feet long, 2 1/2 feet wide and 2 1/2 feet tall. It held the 10 Commendments written by God on a stone tablet, Goliath's sword David used to cut his head off, and, according to some sources, the Urim & Thummim. Moroni's stone box held the Golden Plates, Laban's sword Nephi used to cut his heaf off, and the Nephite Interpreters. The Ark's main purposes were to hold the 10 Commandments, and, according to the Bible, provide a suitable place for YHWH (Jehovah) God appeared to Moses and others (immediately above the Ark). In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner give additional details about the Ark, and different theories about what happened to it.
The Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible or Inspired Version
Joseph Smith's "Inspired Version" often described as the "Joseph Smith Translation" was an inspired effort made by JS to restore plain and precious truths to the Bible which had been lost. The IV or JST was inspired by passages in the Book of Mormon, observed during the translation process, that pertained to ther Bible. It commenced just a few months after the Book of Mormon translaton and printing had been completed. It was never completed. JS was working on it until the day he died in 1844. The JST/IV consists of (1) expensions of material about Moses, Enoch and Melchizedek, (2) grammatical improvements, (3) meaning changes, (4) interpretive changes or additions usually indicated by "or in other words", (5) changes that clarify, and, (6) reconciling passages that contradicted other Bible passages. To make his JST or IV, Joseph used a King James Bible purchased from E.B. Grandin by Oliver Cowdery. Learn more about the inspired changes from this episode of Religion Today, hosted by Martin Tanner
Similarities Between the Secret Gospel of Mark and the Temple Endowment
Is there any evidence something like the LDS Endowment was part of Jesus teachings, or part of the belief system of Early Christianity? The answer is "yes." The evidence is found in the "Secret Gospel of Mark" which was a longer gospel, written by John Mark, the author of the Gospel of Mark, compiled from the notes and writings of Peter (shortly after Peter had been killed) and the notes notes and writings of Mark. The "Secret Gospel of Mark" tells of a rich young man who was brought back to life by Jesus, after dying and being placed in a tomb. Jesus rolled away the stone from the tomb, took the young man's hand, and brought him back to life. The grateful young man was fascinated by Jesus's teachings. After being taught by Jesus for six days, Jesus placed a linen garment on the rich young man and "taught him the mysteries of the Kingdom of God" and how to live one's life in a way to get there. This appears to be very much like the Temple garment, teachings and purpose of the LDS Endowment.
On the Origin and Potential of Every Person
Latter-day Saints, Catholics and the Orothodox faiths all have an important doctrine in common. All believe the potential of each person is divinity, thosis, to become a god, to become like Jesus and Heavenly Father. In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner describes the sources of LDS beliefs on the origin of humans, which is an eternal, unmade intelligence, spirit or soul. He then describes the LDS and Early Christian beliefs that human potential is to become like God, and provides Early Christian quotes which mirror LDS thought.
The Process by Which Joseph Smith Translated the Book of Mormon
In this episode of Religion Today, Martin Tanner gives insights into how Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. He used the "Nephite Interpreters" later called the Urim and Thummim to translate the Book of Lehi, which comprised the 116 pages lost by Martin Harris, plus a few more pages. Thereafter Joseph Smith used the seer stone, which was used to translate the entire Book of Mormon we now have. The lost pages ended just before our current Book of Mosiah begins. Joseph Smith was not a scribe. He always described himself as a translator. If he simply read words or characters, in a seerstone or Nephite Interpreters, he would have been a scribe. Translating took, effort as we read in D&C Section 9:7-8.
The Book of Mormon Description of Hill Cumorah
We have a very good idea of where Book of Mormon events actually took place. How can there be two Hlll Cumorahs? The same way there are many "Jefferson Avenues" and "State Streets". The Book of Mormon text does not fit the small gravel hill by the Smith family farm where Moroni buried the plates. It does fit the large, prominent hill in the "Tuxtla Mountains" in southern Veracruz, Mexico, east of Mexico City, almost to the Gulf of Mexico, and a little South. The Hill Shim/Cumorah is likely the Mayan hill "Shim" later called the hill "Cintepic" by the Aztecs. Cin=corn tepic=hill. Mayan and Aztec legends say the corn grown by the base of the hill Shim grows from the blood of their ancestors where the Jeredites and Nephites were slaughtered. The waters of Ripliancum are probably the "Hueyapan River." the River Sidon is most likely the Grijalva river. The City of Nephi is probably the Kaminaljuyu city ruins on the western edge of Guatamala City.
Where Did the Events in the Book of Mormon Take Place? - Part 3
In this Part 3 of three Religion Today shows on the evidence for where the Book of Mormon events actually took place, Martin Tanner, points out that no Native North American tribes or groups had a written language before Columbus. Thus the Book of Mormon could not have been written by Native North Americans. Many Mesoamerican tribes had a written language, making it most likely the Book of American came from Mesoamerica. Cement cities are mentioned in Heleman 3:7. There are no Native American cement cities. El Mirador in southern Mexico, if a city that flourished from 550 BC, made almost entirely of ultra-high quality cement. Leprosy, weapons, volcanos and a sunken city in Mesoamerica are also discussed by Martin, as evidences which favor Mesoamerica, specifically the Yucatan Penninsula, as the place where Book of Mormon events happened.
Where Did the Events in the Book of Mormon Take Place? - Part 2
Joseph Smith at one point thought North American Native Americans were Lamanites. At another point, he thought Native Americans in Central America were Lamanites. Other Church leaders have widely varying ideas about which tribes are decended from the Lamanites. If there had been a revelation on that point, there would not be widely varying ideas. What we do know is that the Book of Mormon says there is a cave with vast numbers of plates in the Hill Cumorah. There is no cave, and no plates, in the New York hill. The Hill Cumorah in Mesoamerica is many times larger, has many caves and has not been explored. The Book of Mormon says Hill Cumorah was by many streams and fountains of water. This describes the Mesoamerican hill, but not the New York hill. Over 1,100 years elapsed between the end of the Book of Mormon account and Columbus voyage to the Americas, enough time for inter-marriage between Lamanites of Mesoamerica and numerous North American Tribes. Columbus never touched foot on North America. His voyages were all to Mesoamerica.
Where Did the Events in the Book of Mormon Take Place?
Have you wondered where the events in the Book of Mormon took place? If you have, you're not alone. If this first of a multi-part series, host Martin Tanner gives the earliest idea, the "land northward" is North America, the "land southward" is South America and the "narrow neck of land" is Central America. This idea is untenable according to the Book of Mormon text. Martin next describes the "Heartland" theory and "Mesoamerican" theories. He suggests a few of the best scholarly books on this fascinating topic.
Native Americans with Hebrew Ancestry, Horses, Elephants and Steel Swords in the Book of Mormon
Is there any scientific evidence for horses, elephants and steel swords in the New World before Columbus, as mentioned in The Book of Mormon? Is there any scientific evidence for Native Americans with Hebrew ancestry, as described in The Book of Mormon? In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner explains why the answer is a resounding yes. The cutting edge scientific sources Martin cites are a Science magazine article on Native American DNA, archaeology authorized by the government of Israel, archaeology in Mesoamerica and North America coupled with carbon 14 testing.
Signs of the Times - What Must Still Happen Before the Second Coming
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner describes some of the events that have happened since 1830, which were prophecied to occur before the Second Coming of Jesus happens. But his main focus is describing events which are prophecied to occur before the Second Coming, but which have not yet occurred, including, (1) The Jewish Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem, (2) Water will flow from under the Jerusalem Temple, (3) two Jewish prophets (Revelation 11) will appear in Jerusalem, and, (4) the last great sign of the coming of the Son of Man, a comet or a planet, will be seen.
Gethsemane, The Atonement, How it Works
In this Religion Today episode, using scriptures and statements of General Authorities, host Martin Tanner explains exactly how Jesus is our advocate with our Father in Heaven. He explains how Jesus paid the price for our sins. The only way for Jesus to be our advocate was and is for him to completely and totally understand us. That means Jesus understands all of our sins, faults, pain suffering, and also all of our good points. An advocate knows everything about his client, the person for whom he is advocating. For Jesus loved the world so very much that he gave his life, and became our advocate, so that we would not perish, but have everlasting life. Martin also brings up the current belief among most Latter-day Saints that Jesus atoned for all worlds, past, present and future. Martin explains, however, that Brigham Young said each world has its own Savior, who is the son of the first parents of that world.
Handel's Messiah
Handel's "Messiah" like many masterpieces, was inspired and thus composed in a short period of time, just 24 days. Handel's Messiah was written with few revisions on 259 pages. The text was written by a wealthy English gentleman, Charles Jennens. The music was composed by Georg Frideric Handel, although German born, also an Englishman when the Messiah was comosed. The Messiah debuted in Dublin, Ireland to an audience of about 700. Its popularity grew steadily, until now, it is perhaps the most beloved Christmas musical performance of all. Its scriptural basis is impressive. It contains 81 Bible verses from 14 books of the Bible. Isaiah is quoted most, 21 times. Next, Psalms, is quoted 15 times. First Corinthians is quoted 10 times. Many people are moved to tears when listening to Handel's Messiah, including Martin Tanner, the host of Religion Today.
Book of Mormon Poetry Composed and Read by Judge Thomas Kay
Book of Mormon poetry composed and read by Judge Thomas Kay, recently returned from a couples mission to the Phillippines, to act as legal counsel.
Brief Overview and Explanation of the Book of Revelation
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner explains that the Book of Revelation is "apocalyptic" literature from the meaning to uncover or reveal, hence the English title, the Book of "Revelation." Tanner explains tha basic meaning behine each chapter, including the Mark of the Beast, the Second Coming, how the City of Zion is like a giant cube, 1,500 miles wide and 1,500 miles high - big enoug for any person who wants to go in.
God Will Answer Your Heart Felt Prayers
Through scriptures and examples, host Martin Tanner explains why he believes God always answers every heart-felt prayer, provided it meets a few often overlooked criteria.
Early Christian Church Leaders After the Apostles
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner introduces the most important early Christian Church leaders after the death of the apostles. A short summary of their life and major writings is given. The early Church Fathers were Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Papias of Hierapolis, Quadratus of Athens and Hermas, who wrote The Shepherd based on his five visions. This episode is a look into those who led the early Christian Church and influenced its doctrine. It also names scholarly books which include the writings of the Apostolic Fathers.
Just Published, The Annotated Book of Mormon
Host Martin Tanner interviews University of North Carolina, Asheville, Professor Grant Hardy, PhD, Yale, who's new "The Annotated Book of Mormon" was just published by Oxford University Press. Prof. Hardy describes this exception edition of The Book of Mormon, which is about 900 pages in length. With its extensive, scholarly annotations on every page, exceptional introductions to each individual book, lavish explanatory comments, thoughtful general essays, comprehensive list of Biblical quotations in the Book of Mormon, allusions, parallels and many other features, all expertly prepared, this is a must have volume for any serious student of the Book of Mormon, or any reader who wants to learn in more depth.
A Brief History of Israel and Palestime
The State of Israel is named after Jacob, who's name was changed to Israel (Genesis 32:22-31). What is Palestine? Palestine was the new name given by the Roman emperor to Israel, after he put down the Bar Kokhba Rebellion in 132 AD. He changed the name of Israel to "Philistinia" or "Palestine" as an ironic joke. Remember Goliath? He was a Philistine. Goliath was killed and later, the Bablyonians killed or assimilated all of the Philistines. The Philistines had been completely obliterated in 597 BC. Thus "Palestine" is just another name for "Israel." The United Nations decided with 14 or so Islum countries, there ought to be one Jewish country, and it ought to be in the original location. So Israel, changed in name only to Palestine, had its name changed back to Israel, officially, in 1947. The chant "Free Palestine" and the phrase "from the ocean to the river" mean to literally destroy Israel and kill each and every Jew.
New Archaeological Discoveries
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner describes amazing archaeological discoveries relating to the Bible and Book of Mormon, including: (1) Mid-fourth century AD Nag Hammadi texts with authentic saying of Jesus, many of which are not found in the Bible; (2) the Tel Dan "David" stela, dating to the ninth century BCE, referring to the "House of David" and to the "King of Israel" which is the earliest reference to both; (3) A Jewish inscription dating to circa 870 BCE referring to "Jehovah" his "wife Asherah" and the "Holy of Holies"; (4) The first century home of the Apostle Peter in Capernaum; (5) The siloam Pool where Jesus cured the blind man, as described in John 9:1-11; (5) The remains of King David's palace; (6) The siege tower of Babylon against Jerusalem, constructed by Nebuchadnezzar, in 597 BCE, right after Lehi, Nephi, Ishmael and their families, left Jerusalem as described in the Book of Mormon.
The new "After Life" movie
Martin Tanner interviews Stephen Gray, Director, and Tyler Friesen, Executive Producer, of the new film After Death in over 2,200 theaters on October 27th, on near-death experiences (NDEs). This full length feature film, of extraordinary quality, meticulously explores the NDEs of Howard Storm, PhD, MDiv, Mary Neal, MD, Dale Black, Don Piper, Steven Kang, Pam Reynolds and others. From Angel Studios, producers of The Chosen series about the life of Christ.
Religion, Hamas, Israel and War
In this episode of Religion Today, Martin Tanner explains why the war between Hamas and Israel is a religious war and why calls for a cease fire and restraint by Hamas and Israel will never result in peace. Hamas is branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. In other words, Hamas is an Islamic or Muslim organization. The preamble to its charter says Israel has no right to exist, Israel and all Jews must be killed, exterminated. Martin uses the background and statements of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, to make his points. Ayaan Hirsi Ali's life story is extraordinary.
How to Influence Others For Good
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner, provides ideas for influencing others for good with your words, through encouragement and language.
Descriptions of Jesus by Those Who Have Actually Seen Him
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner shares a number of descriptions of Jesus appearance, traits, personality and other qualities from people who have actually seen Jesus.
2023-09-24 Religion Today - Visions in Other Faiths - Apparitions of Mary in Catholicism and Visions of Emanuel Swedenborg
Other faiths besides Mormonism have traditions of visions. In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner describes nine visions or apparitions of the Virgin Mary, acknowledged as genuine by the Catholic Church. Next, the visions of Emanuel Swedenborg are briefly described. Swedenborg, born in 1688, died in 1772, claimed to have visions of heaven and hell, and described them in ways similar to Joseph Smith. Swedenborg said our purpose in this life was to be placed between heaven and hell where we would be enticed by both, thereby enabling us to freely choose either good or evil. This is similar to the LDS idea of "there must be opposition in all things" to accomplish our purpose in mortality.
2023-09-17 Religion Today - Insights From Old Testament Quotes Found in the New Testament
All of the ancient manuscripts of the New Testament are in Greek. Although people are surprised to hear this, except for the Dead Sea Scrolls, by far the oldest Old Testament manuscripts are also in Greek. Why? After Alexander the Great conquered most of the known world in about 300 BC, everyone spoke Greek, even the Jews. The Hebrew speaking Jews needed a new translation of their scriptures for the new Greek speaking generation of Jews. That translation, the Septuagint, is the Old Testament from which the New Testament quotes. Jesus quotes from the Greek Old Testament, and so does Mark, Luke, Paul, Peter, Jude and other New Testament writers. In this edition of Religion Today, Martin Tanner explains how understanding the Greek Old Testament quotes in the New Testament, will greatly enhance your understanding of the New Testament.
2023-09-10 Religion Today - Prayer, its Purposes, Goals, and, Double-blind Studies that Demonstrate it Works
Prayer works. Peer reviewed, double-blind studied demonstrate prayer works. In this episode of Religion Today, Martin Tanner explains why some prayers are not answered because they seek to stop free agency. From scriptures what to pray for and what not to pray for, are explained. The ultimate goal of prayer is described as becoming more like Jesus and Heavenly Father by understanding them and their will for each of us. How God can hear, understand and answer millions of prayers at the same time is described.
2023-09-03 Religion Today - Jesus' Sermon on the Mountain
In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner shares his own translation of Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" in modern, contemporary English and explains in additional detail, the meaning of its contents.
2023-08-27 Religion Today - Don Bradley and His Book The Lost 116 Pages
Martin Tanner interviews LDS scholar Don Bradley about his book "The Lost 116 Pages" which took a decade of research and pieces together some amazing facts, including: (1) Lucy Harris did not burn or destroy the lost 116 pages; (2) Laban was drunk during the Passover Festival when he was killed by Nephi: (3) combining the Book of Mormon we now have with the amount lost, Joseph Smith may have translated up to 900 pages; (4) the lost 116 pages were written on "Fools Cap" paper (named for the "dunce cap" water mark) which was twice the size of today's 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper; (5) the Lost 116 pages described how the Nephite Interpreters were acquired by the Nephites, etc. Don Bradley's "The Lost 116 Pages" is a very readable, masterful, and scholarly look at the contents and history of the lost 116 pages.