KSL Greenhouse

Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen live on Saturdays from 8-11am.


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    February 1, 2025

    KSL Greenhouse Full Show 2/1/25

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse

    Here’s what we covered this week: 

    • Guest hosts: JayDee Gunnell and Michael Caron with USU Extension  
    • 9 o’clock feature: Extending the Gardening Season with High Tunnels 
    • And more of your questions and concerns! 
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    February 1, 2025

    Guide to Spring Pruning

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Guest hosts: JayDee Gunnell and Michael Caron with USU Extension
    • What are some drought tolerant cover crops I can grow?
    • Would a systemic be the best way to prevent aphids on my plum and apricot trees?
    • Are my SunSugar seeds still good to use in a few weeks if they arrived in an envelope that got wet?
    • Do I prune nectarine trees the same way we would prune peach trees?
    • What’s the best method to organically remove peachtree borers?
    • Can I top off my lilacs when renewal pruning?
    • How do I get rid of the fairy rings in my front yard?
    • Aside from removing the tree, how do I keep a female boxelder from producing seed?
    • Why does June drop happen, and how can it be prevented?
    • What should I do to help my London plane tree that's gotten scale and mildew? 
    • Is there a way to sterilize my tree without killing it?
    • Does a systemic application on one plum tree affect other trees close by?
    • When’s the best time to move my tulip tree and how?
    • Is there anything I can do to save my cherry tree from dying from infestation?
    • Is it better to do lawn care myself instead of through a lawn care service? 
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    February 1, 2025

    Extending the Gardening Season with High Tunnels

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Guest hosts: JayDee Gunnell and Michael Caron with USU Extension
    • Feature: Extending the Gardening Season with High Tunnels 
    • How is the slippery elm tree?
    • When do I prune a dogwood tree?
    • How can I make sure my grass is fully dead so I can remove it to start a garden?
    • Can I remove the wax from my amaryllises and keep them until next year and, if so, how?
    • When’s the best time to move a 2-year-old maple tree? 
    • How can I get my grass thick and healthy again?
    • Is it necessary or helpful to water trees and plants in a very dry winter even though they’re dormant?
    • Should I plant a silver maple tree 10 feet from my house or much farther away?
    • When should I be watering plants in the St. George area during winters? 
    • How can I kill my Siberian elm tree that’s growing between two fences without nuking the ground around it?
    • Should I overseed with a shade tolerant seed variety and, if so, what variety should I look for?
    • When and how far up my fruit trees do I apply dormant spray?
    • What do I use a greenhouse for in the winter?
    • When's the best time to transplant roses that I planted two years ago?
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    February 1, 2025

    Plant of the Week: Deciduous Conifers

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Guest hosts: JayDee Gunnell and Michael Caron with USU Extension
    • Are there any recommendations for a tree with red leaves?
    • With the rain and warmer weather this week, is it a good time to prune apple trees? 
    • Where’s the best place to buy grape hyacinth bulbs?
    • Can I plant tulip and daffodil bulbs in the ground in the spring so I can get them out of the shed?
    • Is it too early to prune apple trees?
    • Do I need to supplement water for my trees since there hasn’t been much snow?
    • Would any of my dawn redwoods’ seedlings grow well in Laketown?
    • Is there a possibility that my cherry tree will come back in the spring if all the leaves turned brown after I unintentionally overwatered it? 
    • What’s a hardy tree that grows quickly and isn’t messy?
    • What’s the best way to enrich my raised beds?
    • How can I get rid of the lily of the valley?
    • How early do I start zinnia seeds indoors to have them in bloom by Mother’s Day?
    • When’s the best time to plant goji from seed?
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    January 25, 2025

    KSL Greenhouse Full Show 1/25/25

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Here’s what we covered this week: 
    • 9 o’clock feature: Growing Cut Flowers with Horticulturist Laura Wright 
    • And more of your questions and concerns! 
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    January 25, 2025

    How to Grow Elderberries

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • What season should I prune elderberries?
    • How do I help my Christmas cactus bloom every year?
    • How are serviceberries compared to elderberries?
    • Will my junipers die or recover after being eaten to the top by deer?
    • What are some good options for June-bearing and everbearing raspberries, and when do I plant them? 
    • Why don’t our apple trees produce apples every year?
    • How much do I have to pamper my periwinkle? 
    • Would it be okay to chop off the central leader of my cherry tree?
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    January 25, 2025

    Growing Cut Flowers with Horticulturist Laura Wright

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • Feature: Growing Cut Flowers with Laura Wright 
    • How do I get rid of clover without ruining my perennials and hostas?
    • How many years will seedlings store before they won’t propagate anymore?
    • What are some tips for overwintering geraniums in the garage?
    • Will squirrels damage my vegetable garden? 
    • How much water do peonies need to keep them viable during hot summers?
    • How hard is it to get rid of root weevils? 
    • How can I keep my succulents alive?
    • Can I plant a vine on my patio? 
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    January 25, 2025

    Plant of the Week: Bleeding-Heart

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • Can I straighten up my grape main stalk this spring if it’s bent over?
    • When’s a good time to transplant my bleeding-heart?
    • How often do I need to water my succulents? 
    • Why are my bamboo pots getting yellow edges on the leaves?
    • How do I treat scale on my Euonymus shrubs?
    • When adding dry leaves as a mulch barrier, how should it be used compared to raw wood chips or a composted product?
    • What can I do about the broken branches in the middle of my Swedish Aspen trees?
    • Would it be possible to put ice and cold water to kill unwanted grass? 
    • Is now a good time to prune and cut weak or dead branches from spruce and firs?
    • What are some grape varieties that can grow next to each other?
    • Can I transplant lavender in the spring? 
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    January 18, 2025

    KSL Greenhouse Full Show 1/18/25

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Here’s what we covered this week: 
    • 10 o’clock feature: How to Create a Firewise Landscape 
    • And more of your questions and concerns! 
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    January 18, 2025

    How to Create a Firewise Landscape

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • Feature: How to Create a Firewise Landscape 
    • Why has my Norfolk Island pine been drying out every other day for the last couple of weeks?
    • Should I be watering my Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar if there’s been low precipitation?
    • Can I take runners from my raspberry plants to plant into other large pots this year?
    • Is it a good idea to drill holes in my sycamore trees to inject them with a chemical to treat them for anthracnose disease? 
    • Are the Bushel and Berry’s raspberry shortcakes a wise investment?
    • Can blueberries, raspberries, and/or strawberries be grown in pots?
    • What seeds can we start now?
    • What is the next set of things we can start to plant, and when do we start? 
    • How early and how temperamental is it to start dahlias and zinnias?
    • Can I grow potatoes in 10-gallon garden bags with a mix of compost, vermiculite, and peat moss? 
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    January 18, 2025

    Forcing Bulbs in the Winter

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • What’s the best way to water my poinsettia if it’s dropping leaves?
    • Can I add sulfur to my outdoor yard soil to adjust its pH?
    • When do I transplant my reblooming iris? 
    • Is there anything gardeners should be concerned about with the cold temperatures?
    • How does a mild winter impact gardening when it comes to spring and summer? 
    • Is there a specific wood I should look for when building garden boxes? 
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    January 18, 2025

    Plant of the Week: Pineapple

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • What’s the best soil for Norfolk Island pines?
    • What should we look for when we’re looking for good potting soil? 
    • Where can I find information on growing a grow box in a north face window with or without grow lights?
    • What’s the best way to transplant a Virginia creeper along a new fence? 
    • When’s the best time to trim down my old raspberry plants, and how high should I leave them?
    • How do I keep my citronella plant healthy?
    • Do I need to fertilize the water when forcing hyacinth bulbs in my home?
    • Do I need to add any fertilizer in the spring if I put leaves in my garden?
    • What are some good tomato plants to grow during a short growing season?
    • Once I thin my raspberries, do I trim them down a bit as well? 
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    January 11, 2025

    KSL Greenhouse Full Show 1/11/25

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Here’s what we covered this week: 
    • 10 o’clock feature: No 10am 
    • And more of your questions and concerns! 
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    January 11, 2025

    Guide to Seed Catalogs

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • What is the most fragrant rose shrub?
    • If I added leaves to my garden, do I need to add nitrogen? 
    • How much water should I use in my raised beds?
    • Are we going to have a bad grasshopper problem this year?
    • What should I replace my shrubs with if scale insects took over them?
    • Is Mustard Mix a good cover crop to grow in my home vegetable garden? 
    • What’s the best way to go about moving my beauty bush that’s growing under a large pine tree?
    • Can I trim raspberries this time of year?
    • Is there a place in the Salt Lake area that will sell individual plugs for annuals?
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    January 11, 2025

    Plant of the Week: Amaryllis

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • Can amaryllis with wax covering be planted outside?
    • When’s a good time to plant bare root roses?
    • When do I prune a dogwood tree?
    • Is it too early and cold to trim wisteria? 
    • If I have bulbs that never got planted this fall and are in the fridge, can I plant them in containers or in the ground?
    • Can I plant my tomato plants in 5-quart buckets to save water? 
    • Are there some things we can start thinking about when it comes to pruning?
    • When’s the best time to prune overgrown and tall mock oranges without impacting flowers this year? 
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    January 4, 2025

    KSL Greenhouse Full Show 1/4/25

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Here’s what we covered this week: 
    • And more of your questions and concerns! 
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    January 4, 2025

    How to Grow Your Own Lemons

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • Does weigela do well in Lehi?
    • Should I remove some of the 60+ lemons that have grown on my Meyer lemon tree? 
    • What kind of fruit is the Buddha’s hand?
    • What non-deciduous trees and dwarf grasses should I use to semi-xeriscape my new yard? 
    • Where can I find SunSugar tomato seeds?
    • Where can I order a black rose bush?
    • Are there any issues with leaving alone the one branch on my plum tree that's producing totally different leaves?
    • What are some columnar pine trees that will grow at least 15 feet tall? 
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    January 4, 2025

    Planning for Tomato Planting

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • How do I combat grape leafhoppers?
    • Are micro dwarf tomatoes typically available locally?
    • How long can I leave my raspberry patch in the same place and still get good production?
    • Is there any way to kill Bermuda grass that keeps creeping in from my neighbor’s property? 
    • What do I do now that the branches of my butterfly bush are bent over and broken?
    • Can I expect a spring broccoli crop if I planted them from sprouts this winter?
    • When and how far back should I trim my volunteer peach tree?
    • Can I plant seeds like zinnia and nasturtium seeds, and do I need to remove the bark so that the seeds can be sewn in the soil?
    • Is there anything I can do to prevent the shoots of my aspen tree from getting through my lawn?
    • Why are the leaves of my silverleaf maple curling and turning yellow? 
    • Do I need heat mats to start onion seeds?
    • Is it okay to prune non-fruit trees this time of year?
    • What should I do if my Snow Fountains Weeping Cherry tree hasn’t grown that much and the bark around the bottom cracked?
    • Are there any risks of digging around the root of my blue spruce tree until I can expose the ball at ground level again? 
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    January 4, 2025

    Plant of the Week: Witch Hazel

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • When do I plant Jerusalem artichokes?
    • How do I properly water my bristlecone pine in the winter? 
    • What are some pear and apricot tree varieties that do well in Utah County? 
    • How do I best grow hydrangeas?
    • Can I replant raspberries in my old raspberry patch, and when’s a good time to do so?
    • What types of grass are best for Centerville? 
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    December 28, 2024

    KSL Greenhouse Full Show 12/28/24

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Here’s what we covered this week: 
    • Guest co-host: Dave Mecham 
    • And more of your questions and concerns! 
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    December 28, 2024

    How to Control Pocket Gophers

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Guest co-host: Dave Mecham 
    10:05 and 10:20
    • Feature: How to Control Pocket Gophers
    • What are the benefits of the San Marzano and Roma tomato varieties?
    • Can I get Glacier tomato plants from a nursery as a plant, or do I have to start my own from seed?
    • How much sun do arborvitaes need in the winter?
    • How do I store and use the almonds from my almond tree?
    • What kinds of onions are good for northern Utah?
    • What are some good black tomatoes?
    • Will the winter take care of flea beetles?
    • When’s a good time to start thinking about lawn pre-emergent?
    • What tomatoes have the least acid content for those who love tomatoes but have an acid reflex?
    • What tomatoes have the least acid content for those who love tomatoes but have an acid reflex?
    • What is homesteading?
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    December 28, 2024

    Ordering Nut and Fruit Trees

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Guest co-host: Dave Mecham 
    • Can I move a small Russian sage now?
    • Are rose of Sharons fast growers?
    • How can I get rid of soapwort?
    • When should I trim my fall-bearing raspberries? 
    • Are there any hardy hickories that would survive in East Layton and if so, where can I order them?
    • What is there to plan before planting tomatoes? 
    • Is it normal for roses to still have their green leaves?
    • How often am I supposed to change the potting soil for my potted garden, and can I reuse the soil in my garden when I do change the soil?
    • What does F1 mean in tomato seeds? 
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    December 28, 2024

    Plant of the Week: Dracaena

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Guest co-host: Dave Mecham 
    8:05 and 8:20
    • Plant of the week: Dracaena (along with more on gardening in winter weather)
    • What are some things to plan for the next gardening season?
    • How often should I water my newly planted trees these next few months?
    • Does trimming a Christmas cactus short help them bloom and, if so, when should I trim it?
    • How should I clear the leaves that are falling late?
    • When's a decent time to prune my raspberries?
    • What are water conservancy districts?
    • When and how do I plant lavender plants?
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    December 21, 2024

    KSL Greenhouse Full Show 12/21/24

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Here’s what we covered this week: 
    • Guests: Brian Lloyd with Olson’s Greenhouse, Deb Jordan and Tamra Adams with ARUP 
    • And more of your questions and concerns! 
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    December 21, 2024

    Watering in the Winter

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Guest: Deb Jordan with ARUP 
    • What are the best seeds to plant for colorful flowers, and where can I find them? 
    • Can I store asparagus in my refrigerator, and what do I need to do to keep them healthy?
    • What can I do to get a white poinsettia to have that same color come back after it loses its leaves?
    • How do I take care of an amaryllis? 
    • How do I take care of a Norfolk pine?
    • Do I need to wrap the trunk of a west facing Spring Snow crabapple tree in white? 
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    December 21, 2024

    Sweet Potatoes vs. Yams: What’s the Difference?

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Guest: Tamra Adams with ARUP 
    • How can I tell if any of the plants by my south facing brick home need water?
    • What’s the best way to cut the ends off of Virginia creeper vines and use them as starts?
    • Is ornamental corn grown the same way as sweet corn? 
    • If my holiday cactus drops buds when bumped, does that mean it needs more water?
    • Do I need to water my crabapple and maple trees since there hasn’t been enough precipitation? 
    • Can I grow greens year-round without special lighting?
    • Is there such a thing as thinning tomatoes?
    • Would it be okay to prune some of the branches on my trees now?
    • Can I still fertilize with IFA Step 4? 
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    December 21, 2024

    Plant of the Week: Rosemary

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Guests: Brian Lloyd with Olson’s Greenhouse and Deb Jordan with ARUP 
    8:05 and 8:20 
    • Plant of the week: Rosemary (along with more on the poinsettia) 
    • What are some last-minute gifts you can prepare for your gardener friends? 
    • What kind of fertilizer and how much should I add when adding the leaves into my garden?
    • Is it better to compost the leaves on top of the ground for the winter and till them in the spring or add them to the garden and till it in the fall?
    • Can I snip the roots at the top of the root ball of a crabapple tree, or should I build up the dirt around the tree?
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    December 14, 2024

    KSL Greenhouse Full Show 12/14/24

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    Here’s what we covered this week: 
    • And more of your questions and concerns! 
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    December 14, 2024

    Holiday Gift Ideas for Gardeners

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • How do I prune a north-facing Japanese maple?
    • Where is a good place to order a combo plum tree with specific varieties? 
    • How can I treat the bald spots on my lawn?
    • What are some indoor plants for a place with a south window that only has four ledges?
    • When is it too late to install sod?
    • Where can I spray around my ash tree to control newly laid ash tree borer eggs?
    • If I have three garden boxes, should I rotate planting tomatoes from box to box each year?
    • How do I get rid of boxelder bugs? 
    • When and how much can I trim the tops of my arborvitae?
    • What do I need to grow delicious indoor tomatoes? 
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    December 14, 2024

    Houseplants for Beginner Gardeners

    Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen on Saturdays from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio app. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
    • Can I set up a greenhouse and plant herbs right now?
    • What can I do if my indoor kalanchoe hasn’t bloomed for over a year?
    • What houseplants are nontoxic to cats and dogs?
    • Do I need to hand pollinate my indoor Meyer lemon plant if it’s full of blossoms? 
    • What are the rules for pruning different types of trees?
    • How do I get rid of Star of Bethlehem?
    • How do I get rid of morning glory? 
    • Is there any hope for curing gall in roses and dahlias?
    • Is there a way to melt snow on a section of my lawn that gets too much winter shade?