Hosted by sisters and besties Alyson and Britt. Gabfest tells the funniest, most relatable and cringeworthy stories submitted by the listeners and from the lives of the hosts. You'll feel like you are sitting down with your closest friends bonding over all the crazy things life gives us all and you'll be reminded that no matter how whacky the situation; someday, you'll laugh about it.
The Dating Game
We're bringing back an oldie, but a goody! This was the first GabFest bad date episode ever and it has some of the most epic stories that have been on the podcast. Hopefully, it will jog your memory of your own bad dates so you can submit those stories for next week's episode.
Rom Com Superlatives
The Gab Gals are breaking it all down: Best Kiss, Best Makeover Montage, Best Rom Com, Best Romance Movie. Gabbers voted and this week, you'll hear the results. Do you think you'll agree?
Law and Order
Wow! It turns out it's pretty easty to get slapped with a misdemeanor. In this week's episode, Gabbers' share about their run-ins with the law. While some are innocent bystanders, others have made some questionable choices. But as long as no ones goes to jail, we can still laugh about it.
Welcome to season 5, Gabbers! The Gab Gals are kicking off the year with stories about being lost. Some people have been left behind, others have wandered off, and some are just directionally challenged. The best thing is to remain calm. Unfortunatley, Britt and Alyson treat most scenarios like the beginning of a Dateline episode.
Holiday Throwback Episode: Christmas Chaos
This entire episode is dedicated to bad, wacky, funny, and chaotic Christmas stories!
Holiday Throwback Episode: Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal
This is a supersized holiday episode from Christmas past!
Holiday Throwback Episode: Christmas Don't Be Late
This episode is from season 1! The Gab Gals break down Christmas songs and give their opinions on all things holiday music.
Bad gifts and Bad Behavior
This week we mashup a couple of our favorite holiday episode topics: Bad gifts and wacky holiday stories. The Gab Gals try and get inside the heads of people who blatantly give offensive gifts on purpose, but there's just no understanding it. And whenever there's a holiday get together, shenanigans ensue. Those are ALWAYS entertaining!
Hot or Not: Christmas Edition
Remember the old website "Hot or Not." Well even if you don't, we're sure you'll catch on pretty quickly. This week the Gab Gals weigh-in on what listeners think is HOT during the holiday season and what's NOT.
The Holiday
We couldn't think of a better way to kick off our "Holiday Movie Bingo" than a break down of the ultimate Christmas rom-com, The Holiday. Even if you've never seen the movie (gasp!) or maybe it's been a while, you'll still be fully entertained as the Gab Gals talk chemistry, plot holes, and the scene that gave both Gals chills just talking about it. Plus, Alyson has some solid scenarios about what happens after the movie ends.
Happy Thanksgiving Back
Well the jets were flying high during recording and the Gab Gals were overly excited (bumping the mics a lot.) But since it's a holiday, the Gals are hopping Gabbers give them a pass as they dish out Thanksgiving stories of weird food and even weirder relatives. Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you eat a lot and get a lot of good stories!
Wrongly Accused
Have you ever been blamed for something you didn't do? Those accusations can stick with you! But now it's time to hear Gabbers' side of the story. Or maybe you let someone take the blame for you. When the pressure is on, it's hard not to. But now it's time to set the record straight and get it all out in the open.
Lyrically Speaking
There are some song lyrics that just make you say, "what?!" They're not necessarily innappropriate, they just don't make sense. But as long as there's a catchy beat, apparently it doesn't matter. This week, the Gab Gals break down song lyrics. They get to the bottom of some of them, others they speculate, and the rest....still don't make sense.
State Of Emergency
Buckle up because we're talking Emergency Room stories! There's never a dull moment in the E.R. and these Gabber stories did not dissappoint. We know a lot of you listen with your kids in the car and there may be a couple of submissions that could be a little much for them. We use pretty mild language and don't get into the nitty gritty, but we want to give that disclaimer.
Opening the Vault for Halloween
We're opening up the vault to bring you a Halloween episode from Season 1 that usually isn't available on your podcast feed! (the audio will not be as good as usual)The Gab Gals talk Halloween costumes and share listener submissions about haunted houses. And, of course, we'll get taken on a tangent or two.
My Haunted Hometown
It's spooky season and this week the Gab Gals are talking all things scary in a supersized episode! First, they'll kick things off with listener submitted weird phobias. Then you'll hear haunted tales from listeners' hometowns. Now, don't worry too much, most stories are pretty mild but littles could maybe get a little scared.
Digging Into The Costume Closet
What's your most embarassing Halloween Costume? The Gab Gals head down memory lane to relive listeners' submitted costume funnies and failures. And, of course, Britt and Alyson have plenty of their own costume fails to share along the way.
Who's The Boss?
It's part 2 of our workplace series! We heard all about your wacky co-workers last week, so now it's time to roast some bosses. And boy, do some of them NEED to be roasted. Sometimes it's hard to know where to draw the line when it comes to authority figures, but one thing's for sure, when they ask you to test a mattress with them....don't do it!
You work side by side with people you would otherwise never speak to, and it gets weird! Maybe you end up forced to kiss one to get out of the walk-in freezer, or maybe you see one modeling lingerie at her bachelorette party. But we love all the drama, personalities, and stories they bring with them.
Middle School Love
Oh the drama! There's nothing quite like middle school love and Gabbers have written in with some doosies. This week, listen for stories of fickle frenemies, bewildering breakups, and hallway hookups. It's all a part of the fast paced, cut throat world of middle school love.
Teacher's Pet
We all love teachers, they make the world go 'round. This week you'll hear the good, the bad and the funny stories all about taeachers. Some of them take a dark turn and the Gab Gals take on the challenge to make them funny, however awkward they get.
Embarrassing Parents
The Gab Gals are back! This week we talk about the most embarassing things that Gabbers' parents have done and how Gabbers embarrass THEIR kids. Plus, we get details on some of the crazy post-op things Alyson went through.
Sleep Away Camp
There's something special about sleep-away camps. You act completely different than you would if you were with your family. Then add in all the variables of being in the great outdoors. It's a recipe for some great stories. So grab your merit badges, pull up a camp chair, and listen as the Gab Gals retell all of your escapades at camp.
Summa, Summa, Summa Time
First, we get a re-cap of Alyson's trip to Vegas. Then The Gab Gals dive into your 4th of July stories. Spoiler Alert: Everyone is bad at fireworks. And finally, Britt and Alyson weigh in on their summertime poll results.
The Gab Fest Spelling Bee
Most of us don't consider ourselves good spellers. Words are hard! Especially now that technology has enabled us. But what happens when we're so far off that autocorrect can't even save us? This week's episode may not help you spell better, but it will make you feel better about your own spelling mental blocks. And even if you don't learn to spell, you will learn to never trust a big butt and smile.
People Pleasers Anonymous
If you've ever gotten gotten into a pickle because you're a people pleaser, this episode is for you! What the heck is wrong with all of us? We just can't say no, so we end up in WILD situations. Or we're so worried we'll hurt people's feelings that we end up suffering the most. Listen for stories of times when Gabbers (and of course, the Gab Gals) people-pleased their way into a whole lot of trouble.
My Toxic Trait
Listen, we all have them. Those little quirks that we know are annoying and cause ourselves (and/or the people around us) some trouble. But for some reason they're part of our personality and not going anywhere anytime soon. This week the Gab Gals admit theirs and read listener submissions about everyone's toxic traits.
Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun
Got a secret. Can you keep it? Well, actually most of us can't. It's too burdonsome to have a juicy secret weighing on us. Or maybe we just blurt things out totally on accident. In this week's episode, the Gab Gals talk about times they've been burned and chime in on Gabbers' secret-slipping confessions.
It's a Nice Day For a White Wedding
It's wedding season! So it's only appropriate that we dedicate an entire episode to the subject. But as it turns out, some crazy stuff goes down at these events. Sometimes it's the little things that start the day off on the wrong foot. Other times, there are problems of epic proportion!
Gab TV
The TV shows and movies that we used to watch were wild! Some of them were problematic, others were just plain cringe. This rings especially true if you were raised during the wild west of reality TV. This week, listen for a trip down TV memory lane. It may unlock some core memories (or trauma).
Down The Rabbit Hole
Disclaimer: There are a few mature themes on this week's episode.
If you've ever spent hours deep-diving something completely random online, this episode is for you. We're all so curious we and want to get to the bottom of whatever thought crosses our minds in the middle of the night. And since we have all the information we could ever want in the palm of our hands, we end up in some interesting places. This week, Gabbers sent in the weirdest rabbit holes they've found themselves down.
Mom Fails
In honor of Mother's Day, this week's episode is all about our less-than-stellar motherhood moments. We figure it will make us feel a little better about ourselves. Plus, Gabbers can get some heavy guilt off thier chests. (there's nothing like mom-guilt, am I right?) So sit back and listen to some of people's most epic mom fails.
Passion Projects
Have you ever started a hobby and then it became you're whole personality? Well you're not alone. In fact, most of us are guilty of being a little too passionate about our passion. It's just better if you own it, find your tribe and maybe start a club.
Supermarket Sweep
The WEIRDEST things happen at the grocery store. So natuarally, the Gab Gals had to dedicate an entire episode to them. We're talking everything from the scary, the gross, the uncomfortable and the unfortunate things that happen while we shop for life's necessities.
Spring Break Round Up
A lot of us are fresh off of Spring Break and that means you all have some stories! But as it turns out, these days, we're less MTV and we're more TLC. (complete with renditions of Bette Midler's, God is Watching us. Oddly enough, that song goes along with so many of these stories)
Weird History
History can be fascinating! Especially when Gabbers send in their favorite historical nuggets that are weird, funny, and sometimes....problematic. Forget your boring high school history class, when the Gab Gals get involved, you'll be laughing and singing along with the Michael Jackson song from the Free Willy soundtrack.
Simple Pleasures
It's the simple things in life that really matter. The day-to-day things that fill us with joy, really don't get enough attention. So this week, the Gab Gals shout out all those little moments that make daily life a little sweeter. You'll never know how brave you are for choosing whatever movie you want, until you listen to this episode!
Bon Appetit!
Going out to eat is great! Someone else cooks, does the dishes, and maybe wipes your behind. Now before you think that last part is an exaggeration, just listen to this week's episode. It's filled with Gabbers' stories of the wierdness and grossness at restaurants. We hope you came hungry!
Disney Adults
We can make fun of you because we are you. We all have a little Disney Adult inside of us. Honestly, we're probably just trying to heal our inner child. Whether you're a full-blown Disney Adult or you think these poeple need to grow up, listen in for some laughs!
Coming In Hot!
Alyson's off of Coke Zero, so she's fired up! But it turns out our Gabbers also feel pretty strongly about some things these days. Listen for some hot takes about any and everything. From pop culture to crop tops to Ballerina Farm, it's all part of this week's episode.
It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To
Birthdays rarely go as planned. Sometimes there's a suprise. Other times it's suprising that everyone survived. This week, you'll hear all about Gabbers' most memorable birthdays. Plus, the Gab Gals share some TMI at the OBGYN's office during their "Someday you'll laugh about this" moments.
What's In A Name?
Oh, what's in a name? If you're the one being called Cheese Girl, then a name carries a quite a bit of weight. Some nicknames make total sense, others are quite a stretch. This week the Gab Gals tell you about some of the nicknames they've had and the cringey ones listeners have written in.
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
What's the craziest thing you've done for love? It seems when it comes to matters of the heart, our brain takes a backseat. This week we've got stories, advice, and even a guest to break it all down. Loni Harmon, The Dating Counselor, joins the Gab Gals to talk about the misadventures Gabbers have had in the love department. And all three of them share some of their cringiest dating moments.
The Grammar Police
Do you ever wish you could correct people's grammar mistakes without coming off like a jerk? Honestly, don't do it. It never ends well. Instead, listen and commiserate with the Gab Gals as they talk about your grammer pet peeves and realize that nobody's perfect.
The Social Network
We ALL have social media pet peeves. We actually might hate the socials more than we like them. So why is it that we can't look away? The Gab Gals can't explain or cure your social media addiction, but they can complain and share your submissions of the things you love to hate.
Fieldtrip Fiascos
Nothing beats getting out of the classroom and learning out in the real world. But, of course, that doesn't come without a disaster or two. This episode will bring back all the bus-riding nostalgia but without all the quesiness. Listen in for stories of first kisses and first tastes of alcohol while on school field trips.
Am I The Jerk?
Look, we all have those moments when we might be the one out-of-line. But then again, we're totally justified, right? Well the Gab Gals have come to find out that it's all about perspective. So depending on how you look at it, yes, we all might be jerks.
2023 And Me!
What a year, what a time! And you KNOW the Gab Gals have a lot to say about it. Plus, Gabbers tell us some of the best and worst things that happened to them in 2023. One thing is for sure, we're all excited for a new chapter in our lives (even if it includes Grandpa Core).
A Cultured Christmas
The is week, the Gab Gals get cultured as they discuss unusual holiday traditions from around the world. Some are scary, some are funny, and some are down-right questionable. Get ready to hear all about poop-themed decor and Krampus legends that will haunt your nightmares.
Deck The Hallmark
Those cheesy, oh-so predictable, made for TV movies have us in a choke hold this time of year. So the Gab Gals thought this was the perfect time to dive into them. From the scarves to the snow, these hot-takes on Hallmark movies will have you laughing all the way.
Gifts That Keep On Giving
It's time for our annual "Bad Gift" episode, and it does not dissappoint. When in doubt, It's ALWAYS the thought that counts. Get ready for stories of returns gone wrong, unfair gifting among in-laws, and a few sweet surprises. The Gab Gals also discuss psychopaths and a variety of memes that have caught their attention recently.
Seeing Stars
We all have one thing in common, we will NEVER act cool when we meet a celebrity. But that's OK, they'll never remember you. (unless you're dressed in a DIY golf costume at a black-tie event) This week you'll hear about Gabbers who have had run-ins with celebs and all the cringey details.
The Big Family Secret
Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets... can give you an identity crisis. This week, the Gab Gals share your submissions of family secrets and family drama. Just remember, before you submit your DNA to 23 and Me, make sure you're prepared for what you find!
Blowing Up My Phone
Has Auto-Correct ever done you dirty? If you've ever sent something on accident or to the wrong person, you'll relate to this episode on a real level. Whether you're on the sending or recieving end, it makes things pretty awkward. This week, the Gab Gals share your accidental calls, texts, emails, and zoom incidents.
Fashion Victims
Wardobe malfunctions happen to the best of us. This week, Gabbers tells us when they accidenally flashed someone, lost their swim bottoms or had loose underwear fall out of their pant legs. While these stories are pretty embarassing, it helps to get them off our chests- no pun intended.
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
It's that time! This week, listeners sent in their scary stories. Some have silly resolutions. Others are just downright creepy. The Gab Gals, of course, give thier two cents. Plus they give us some Halloween fun facts.
Always read the descriptions and reviews carefully! Otherwise, you'll end up sharing a room with the owner's dog. But don't worry, you might get 10% off your stay if you end up getting a rash from the unsanitary hot tub. This week, you'll hear all about bad Airbnb, hotel, and motel stays.
Scary Movies
It's about that time to bust out your favorite scary Halloween movie. This week, the Gab Gals discuss what they think of some iconic scary movies. Plus, Gabbers weigh in on the movies that rocked them to their cores. Turns out we are all gluttons for punishment agreeing to watch these in the first place.
Easy Money
Money makes the world go round. Unfortunately, that means we've got to do someone pretty interesting things to make ends meet. This week, Gabbers tell about the weird, wacky, and unconventional ways they've made money. Some of you are willing to do way to much for way too little!