Financial Infidelity

By Debbie Dujanovic & Caitlyn Johnston

Full Transcript

Secret spending is one of the main ways couples are committing financial infidelity!

New data from Bankrate shows that 40% of Americans in committed relationships have kept financial secrets from their current partner. Debbie and Caitlyn discuss how they define financial infidelity and ways to move past it. 

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Learn more about Debbie and Caitlyn!  

Debbie Dujanovic is the co-host of “Dave & Dujanovic” and “Dating at Her Age” on KSL NewsRadio. Follow her on Facebook and TikTok. Follow “Dating at Her Age” on FacebookInstagramand Tik Tok

Caitlyn Johnston is a producer for KSL NewsRadio and the Dave & Dujanovic Show. She also produces and co-hosts “Dating at Her Age” on KSL NewsRadio. Follow her on Instagram.